Australia’s top 10 highest paid professions were listed recently, and “Recruitment Consultant” didn’t even make it into the top 10.
And I think I know why…
Firstly, because you don’t need to qualify or get a Degree to be a “Recruitment Consultant”, we tend not to be featured on these types of lists. (We kinda get snubbed!)
But the main reason is because these lists are calculated on basic salaries only.
We all know that basic salaries in Recruitment aren’t world beating. So it stands to reason we wouldn’t be ranked that high. But that’s Ok. We don’t do the job for the basic, right? (Well, we shouldn’t. And if you do, you might be in the wrong gig!)
So I’ve taken the liberty of adding us to the list where I think we’d slot in, based on our TOTAL earnings, including commission.
I’m putting us in at No 11. Just under Financial Advisor.
So, I reckon the “average” (established) Recruiter (based on the current market conditions, typical commission schemes, and average billings numbers) is earning around $130-140k a year.
In this calculation, I’m factoring in Rookies, low performers, high performers, very high performers, One-Man-Bands, etc.
And if you challenge this calculation, I’d love nothing more than a healthy debate in the comments below.
But back to the list…
As I said, I’m slotting us in at No 11, just below Financial Advisor. And presumably a couple of slots above Real Estate Agent and Internal Recruiter.
And it also means we’re only 10 spots away from brain surgeon! 🧠😆